Nothing beats the pulsing of live music in your veins, the warmth of the California sun on your skin and the smell of true, authentic homegrown wine.

Napa Valley, California; an oasis for wine lovers everywhere, is also home to Bottlerock Music festival, a widely known gathering of people looking for some good booze, good eats and some good serious tunes. I traveled up north last weekend for the show to tag along with Stevie Scott in order to capture her performance with Machineheart.

People gathered as the band member were getting things set for the show! After an amazing but exhausting travel Friday and Saturday up the coast and sleeping in my truck, I was actually ready for a nap (says my body), but my everything in my spirit was excited for this show! Stevie was whisking around in her beautiful Stevie Nick inspired, white flowy top and the guys were preparing for sound check while I was making sure all my cameras were loaded with film, catching a few behind the scenes here and there. When Stevie busted on stage with a hop in her step in her bare feet, the crowd went wild for a sudden slap in the face of energy that both her and the boys brought without a hitch.

The set list was amazing; it included their single Circles as the closer and also a little rendition of Britney Spear's Hit Me Baby One More Time; that was a crowd favourite to be sure! I split my time between stage and pit, capturing every rock and roll moment that I could. "She has an amazing voice!" I heard someone yell to his friend as I made my way across the front of the crowd. And it was true, Stevie's voice was silky-smooth and rang through the air like perfectly tuned bell, capturing every one's attention; their insane energy kept people wanting more and well prepared the Bottlerock goers for a full day of good booze and good tunes.

(I also ventured around the festival, grabbing shots of other bands getting their jam on; Jamie N Commons, Jamestown Revival, The Lumineers, and The Red Hot Chili Peppers)